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Sabato, 05 Settembre 2015 16:19

Influenza spagnola del 1918: causata da vaccino o da arma biologica?

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Le ipotesi agghiaccianti è che la pandemia di influenza del 1917-1918 durante la prima guerra mondiale fosse stata creata a tavolino dagli USA come arma biologica verso i che poi sfuggi di mano

Altra ipotesi agghiacciante è che errori nella creazione di vaccini per le truppe USA abbiano scatenato questa pandemia

La scienza ufficiale ci dice che la causa fu un virus


Ma il primo virus identificato nella storia della medicina avvenne nel 1933 molti anni dopo.

Curiosità, la influenza fu chiamata spagnola non perchè originatasi in quel paese ma perchè la stampa spagnola, molto più libera delle altre, ne diede enfasi.

Inoltre sembra che la suina sia la bioingegnierizzazione di quella spagnola....

La verità non la sapremo MAI ma al lettore si danno elementi per cercare di farsi una idea su ciò che non viene MAI DETTO.


Thursday, May 08, 2003

RYLE DWYER writes on the horror of the 1918-20 pandemic which the propaganda says was caused by Spanish flu (Irish Examiner, May 1).

How did they know it was the virus of Spanish flu that killed millions of civilians and soldiers?

This disaster occurred when viruses were unknown to medical science.

It took a British science team to identify the first virus in man in 1933.

As regards the origin of the outbreak, he relates that a senior US army officer suggested that the Germans might have been responsible for the bug as part of their war effort, by spreading it in theatres or where large numbers of people assembled.

Did they also spread it among their own people, killing 400,000 as reported?

Ryle would have us believe that all those American soldiers who died from non-combatant causes may have died from Spanish flu.

But US Army records show that seven men dropped dead after being vaccinated.

A report from US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson not only verified these deaths but also stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result

of yellow fever vaccination during only six months of the war.

That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.

Army records also reveal that after vaccination became compulsory in the US Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly but all other vaccinal diseases increased at an

alarming rate.

After America entered the war in 1917, the death rate from typhoid vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army.

The deaths occurred after the shots were given in sanitary American hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had been practised for years.

The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917 there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia.

This takes no account of those whose vaccine diseases were attributed to other causes.

The army doctors knew all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports.

When army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid paratyphoid.

But when they concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease Spanish flu.

After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers returning from WWI battlefronts infected with dangerous diseases.

The rest is history.

Patrick J Carroll,
Lady Lane House,



Was The 'Spanish Flu'
Epidemic Man-Made?
Sixty Million Dead In 1918-19
By Henry Makow PhD

In 1948 Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, told his CIA interrogator that the most devastating plague in human history was man-made.

He was referring to the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 that infected 20% of the world's population and killed between 60 and 100 million people.

This is roughly 3 times as many as were killed and wounded in World War One, and is comparable to WWII losses, yet this modern plague has disappeared down the memory hole.

Mueller said the flu started as a US army bacteriological warfare weapon that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley KS in March 1918, and spread around the world.

He says that it "got out of control" but we cannot discount the horrible possibility that the "Spanish Flu" was a deliberate elite depopulation measure, and that it could be used

again. Researchers have found connections between it and the current "Bird Flu."

There was nothing "Spanish" about this flu. According to Wikipedia

"In the U.S., about 28% of the population suffered, and 500,000 to 675,000 died. In Britain 200,000 died; in France more than 400,000. Entire villages perished in Alaska and

southern Africa. In Australia an estimated 10,000 people died and in the Fiji Islands, 14% of the population died during only two weeks, and in Western Samoa 22%. An

estimated 17 million died in India, about 5% of India's population at the time. In the Indian Army, almost 22% of troops who caught the disease died of it."

"Indeed, symptoms in 1918 were so unusual that initially influenza was misdiagnosed as dengue, cholera, or typhoid. One observer wrote, "One of the most striking of the

complications was hemorrhage from mucous membranes, especially from the nose, stomach, and intestine. Bleeding from the ears and petechial hemorrhages in the skin also


...Another unusual feature of this pandemic was that it mostly killed young adults, with 99% of pandemic influenza deaths occurring in people under 65 and more than half in

young adults 20 to 40 years old. This is unusual since influenza is normally most deadly to the very young (under age 2) and the very old (over age 70). "


At a 1944 Nazi bacteriological warfare conference in Berlin, General Walter Schreiber, Chief of the Medical Corps of the German Army told Mueller that he had spent two months

in the US in 1927 conferring with his counterparts. They told him that the "so-called double blow virus" (i.e. Spanish Flu) was developed and used during the 1914 war.

"But," according to Mueller, "it got out of control and instead of killing the Germans who had surrendered by then, it turned back on you, and nearly everybody else." ("Gestapo

Chief: The 1948 CIA Interrogation of Heinrich Mueller" Vol. 2 by Gregory Douglas, p. 106)

(Actually the Armistice didn't take place until August 11, 1918.)

The interrogator, James Kronthal, the CIA Bern Station Chief asked Mueller to explain "double blow virus." It reminds me of AIDS.

Mueller: "I am not a doctor, you understand, but the 'double-blow' referred to a virus, or actually a pair of them that worked like a prize fighter. The first blow attacked the

immune system and made the victim susceptible, fatally so, to the second blow which was a form of pneumonia...[Schreiber told me] a British scientist actually developed

it...Now you see why such things are insanity. These things can alter themselves and what starts out as a limited thing can change into something really terrible."

The subject of the Spanish Flu arose in the context of a discussion of typhus. Mueller said the Nazis deliberately introduced typhus into Russian POW camps and, along with

starvation, killed about three million men. The typhus spread to Auschwitz and other concentration camps with Russian and Polish POWS.

In the context of the Cold War, Mueller says: "If Stalin invades Europe...a little disease here and there would wipe out Stalin's hoards and leave everything intact. Besides, a

small bottle of germs is so much cheaper than an atom bomb, isn't it? Why you could hold more soldiers in your hand than Stalin could possibly command and you don't have

to feed them clothes them or supply them with munitions. On the other hand, the threat of war...does wonders... for the economy." (108)

Is Mueller credible? In my opinion he is. Gregory Douglas apparently is a pseudonym for his nephew with whom he left his papers. Normally a hoax would not run to thousands

of pages. The Interrogation is 800 pages. The Memoirs are 250 pages. The Microfilmed Archive apparently covers 850,000 pages. Finally, the material I have read is incredibly

well informed, authoritative and consistent.


The "Elite" cult has made no secret of its desire to decrease the world population. (See Alan Stang, Population Extermination: How Will it be Done?

It's possible that World War One was a disappointment to the Elite in terms of the numbers killed. Whether the "Spanish Flu" was deliberate or not, we cannot say. But

apparently the US Army has a record of experimenting with drugs/chemicals/bacteria on unwary soldiers. Did such an experiment get "out of control" at Fort Riley?

So far, the Bird Flu has only killed 160 people since 2003. Is it a harbinger of something more deadly? Hopefully it isn't but we should be mindful of the shocking precedent set

by the 1918 Influenza Pandemic.


See also "Hitler's Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor"

See also "The Influenza Pandemic of 1918"

-- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.




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