L encefalopatia nel disturbo autistico è una verità oramai conclamata e dimostrata da innumerevoli studi.
Le regressioni di questi pazienti sono dovute essenzialmente da reazioni " a cascata" che generano l'attivazione della microglia ed astrociti con conseguente apoptosi neuronale ( morte di neuroni ).
In allegato lo studio che potete scaricare cliccando al solito su " leggi tutto "
Evidence of neurodegeneration in autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder in which a significant number of children experience a
developmental regression characterized by a loss of previously-acquired skills and abilities. Loss of neurological function
in ASD, as observed in affected children who have regressed, can be explained as neurodegeneration. Although there
is research evidence of neurodegeneration or progressive encephalopathy in ASD, the issue of neurodegeneration in
ASD is still under debate. Evidence of neurodegeneration in the brain in ASD includes: (1) neuronal cell loss, (2)
activated microglia and astrocytes, (3) proinflammatory cytokines, (4) oxidative stress, and (5) elevated 8-oxo-guanosine
levels. The evidence from this review suggests that neurodegeneration underlies the loss of neurological function in
children with ASD who have experienced regression and loss of previously acquired skills and abilities, and that
research into treatments to address the issue of neurodegeneration in ASD are warranted.